How to Develop Volleyball Blocking Skills: A Mini Roadmap to Improvement


Strong blocking is a fundamental pillar of championship volleyball. There may be no skill more intimidating or momentum-swinging than a crushing block to shut down an attack. While hitting garners attention, it is masterful blocking that most often leads teams to triumph.

The basics of blocking must be instilled early and reinforced often. Proper technique, footwork, and communication are the foundation to excel at the critical craft of blocking. Yet blocking remains an underappreciated and under-taught skill. Misconceptions persist that blocking is only about height and reach. But effective blocking requires much more.

This guide dispels myths to uncover blocking excellence. Blocking is athletic. Blocking is strategic. Blocking is studied. Blocking is won through perseverance and preparation as much as physical gifts.

Within these pages, coaches and players will find decades of blocking wisdom distilled into fundamental lessons. Granular techniques are shared. Drills are demonstrated. Strategies are explained. Roles are defined. Communication is elucidated. Missteps are diagnosed. Strengths are amplified. Weaknesses are bolstered.

Diligent students of the game who apply these principles will gain new mastery of blocking. Expect blocks to come faster, reach higher, cover more court, and sting sharper. Blocks will transition from reactive luck to proactive scheme. Opponents will be stifled and frustrated. Momentum will swing. Points will pile up. Matches will turn.

Great blocking demands great commitment. Perfect practice makes powerful performance. Excellence emerges under purposeful preparation. But the payoff is monumental. Let’s raise blocking to the priority it merits. Execute the fundamentals flawlessly. Implement the strategies strategically. Combine athletic gifts with technical precision. This guide lights the path to dominate the net like never before.

The blocking bible begins now. Let’s get better together.

Importance of Vision and Focus for Blocking

The eyes lead the block. Keen vision and unwavering focus are imperative. Yet too often, blockers rely solely on reacting after the ball is set. The highest level blocking begins before the serve.

Implement purposeful eye sequences. Survey the full court scene. Absorb strategic options. Anticipate next actions. Processing this visual information quickens instincts. Sharpen peripheral vision to expand awareness. But eyes flitting frenetically create confusion. Harness vision to inform intelligent blocking.

The first visual task upon serve receive is to spot the pass. Note its quality and location. Is it off the net? Is it tight to the antenna? This immediately narrows setting options. Now gaze at the setter. Scan for cues based on positioning and preparation. Is the setter on the move? Are they squared for certain sets?

Assess the situation. On tight sets, quickly turn focus to the hitter’s approach for early cues. On errant passes with slower sets, maintain eyes longer on the setter’s hands for set location. Let the speed of the set guide where to look and when.

Unlock statistical clues through film study. Chart setter tendencies. Locate favorite routes. Detect hitting patterns. Log opposing strengths and weaknesses. Recognize formations and adjust alignments accordingly. Knowledge of probabilities primes proactive positioning to smother tendencies.

Maintain widecourt awareness through eye discipline. Peripheral vision lets blockers see the ball while zeroing in on the hitter. No need to follow a strict sequence of ball-setter-hitter. Staring only at the setter risks missing the pass. Locking onto the hitter forfeits set location clues. Savvy blockers blend cues from all sources.

Effective blocking relies on eyes and instincts working in tandem. Sharpen visual acuity to increase information. Speed processing to quicken reactions. Outwork opponents through preparation. Outthink rivals by scouting. Outsee adversaries through enhanced court vision. Eyes ready the body. Mind directs the movement. Then great blocking becomes instinctive.

Blocking Footwork and Positioning

Blocking begins with nimble footwork and ideal positioning. Even before the ball crosses the net, blockers must explosively maneuver to intercept attacks. Drive off the back foot to initiate movement. Strike the floor with urgency. Each step holds purpose. Waste no motion.

After the whistle, quickly establish base position. Lower into an athletic stance with knees bent, chest forward, and arms ready. Poise on the balls of the feet to spring into action. Find balance, not flatfooted rigidity. Prepare to pounce.

Explode on the first step to cover ground. Aggressively accelerate to gain early advantage. Move laterally without drifting. Strike the floor with force to generate power. Drive the approach with momentum.

Race to cut off hitting angles. Close tightly with the quickness of a cornerback. Arrive early to deny clean swings. Adjust footwork to account for attacker’s speed and athleticism. Press forward at the peak. Extend range by airborne drifting.

On quicker sets, position body on the hitter’s approach path to take away power. Cheat the closing steps slightly inside to block straight shots down the line. On slower sets requiring more movement, concentrate on the set location to guide response.

Split vision between the processes unfolding both in front and behind the approaching attacker. Focus forward on penetration over the net. But retain awareness of the developing play through peripheral glimpses. Let instinct direct intuition.

Masterful footwork and positioning shrinks gaps and hides seams that attackers seek to expose. Accurate first steps put blockers in prime position. Precise closing steps seal all edges. Dominate the net early and often through technical footwork and savvy positioning.

Blocking Technique and Execution

Proper blocking technique turns preparation into production. The final flash of execution crowns the setup process. Now spring into action. Extend to the apex with precision. Uncoil body torque explosively. Put theory into practice.

Attack the ball at top speed. Accelerate arms forcefully upwards towards contact. Strike with purpose, not just lift. Pack power into each press.

Time the peak jump to intersect the incoming blast. Elevate higher than the attacker. Rise together but reach the ball first. Gain the fractional advantage that means everything.

Angle broad blocking surfaces to enlarge barriers. Avoid dangerous fingertip jabs. Present palms and forearms to smother spikes entirely. Absorb with mass, not stab with spikes. Create a wall.

At the pinpoint of contact, constrict all muscles tightly. Clench hands. Lock arms. Squeeze the core. Flex the quads. Point the toes. Become a stone wall. Solidify the whole shape. Offer no soft spots or gaps.

Now forcefully press hands over the net. Emphatically reject all invasions into your airspace. Extend range by refusing to yield even as momentum carries you backward. Play bigger than body stature.

Maintain block integrity even after rocked by a heavy hammer. Keep hands pressed as the ball ricochets. Avoid deflecting hits outward. Funnel returns straight down. Give no angles. Offer only floor.

Perfect repetition ingrains technique until reactions become automatic. Drill footwork constantly until motions become memory. Sharpen dexterity through hand quickness exercises. Mastering the mechanics elevates blocking from awkward guessing to artful execution.

Combine honed technique with blocking savvy. Adjust seamlessly between solo and group efforts. Vary approach speed and closing steps based on game situation. Select aggressive or conservative hand position as strategy dictates. Mix intelligence with intuition. Thinking sets up doing.

Marry technique and tactics to execute the elite block. Turn preparation into production. Transform idea into action. Dominate the front row through technical precision married with strategic aptitude.

Blocking Communication

Even solitary blocks succeed through teamwork. Communication synchronizes movements between blockers. Verbalize responsibilities before each point to coordinate coverage. Silent squads cede advantage.

Share observations from early visual reads. Announce initial plan based on the pass location, setter position, and court alignments. Define if supporting middle or cheating line. Confirm approach strategy as a cohesive unit.

Communicate adjustments through the play’s progression. State modifications after reading the quality of first contact. Redirect following the set location. Reassign on setter dumps or emergency sets. Continual chatter strengthens teamwork.

Call out blocker assignments clearly. Declare intentions using proper terminology. For example, specify “seam” or “line” rather than vague “you” or “me” statements. Terminology eliminates confusion. Signals like hand flashes sharpen non-verbal communication.

Namingdesired actions also reinforces tactical intentions. Repeating “take away the angle” focuses on proper technique. Saying “no sharp cross” reminds teammates to seal that shot. Affirm game plans verbally. Words impact actions.

Cultivate an encouraging dialogue. Highlight effective team moves rather than individual mistakes. Celebrate disciplined technique and efforts. Review positives. Learn collaboratively. Develop a vocabulary of praise.

After each play, talk through proper process. Verify visual cues seen by each blocker. Confirm appropriate initial reactions. Discuss optimal adjustments. Share constructive suggestions to sharpen future execution. Communication deepens comprehension.

Blocking demands joint focus from an entire team working in synchronized purpose. Chatter reinforces this unified mindset. Exchange ideas openly. Ask questions. Clarify intentions. Compliment teammates. Communication elevates execution through shared understanding.

Blocking Drills

Drills ingrain proper blocking technique. Targeted repetition develops muscle memory. Athletes gain confidence executing previously unfamiliar movements through practice. Master fundamentals first before advancing. Segment progression into digestible skills.

Begin by honing visual skills. Eye discipline is vital for reading plays quickly. Start drills with players facing away from the net. Then check for visual cues before spinning to make the correct block. This isolates scanning from movement.

Next incorporate footwork. Tempo blocking drills develop reaction speed. Again face away then pivot, accelerate, and complete the block. Stress rapid first steps. Work at increasing speeds. Add lateral shuffling to practice side-to-side explosiveness.

Now blend full motion. Perform drills with passers and setters to simulate game play. Complete the sequence from ready position through closing footwork into the full block. Repetition builds familiarity until reactions become second nature.

Increase complexity slowly. Begin by blocking only one specified option like slide or right side attack. Then expand to make read and react decisions between two possibilities. Finally, present full multifaceted defenses with all skills required.

Employ targeted drills to ingrain specific skills. Foot fires and dance steps create nimble feet. Flexibility training elongates reach. Jump circuits maximize vertical explosion. Hand quickness exercises improve dexterity. Isolate weaknesses and drill corrections.

Other innovative drills:

  • Deep court passing forces covering increased angles and distances.
  • Film review teaches opponents’ strengths to strategize.
  • Triple block training synchronizes footwork with teammates.
  • Swing blocking expands lateral range.

Creatively design drills to isolate, instruct, ingrain, and improve every blocking skill. Instill proper technique through repetition. Drills develop capabilities mapped carefully from introduction to mastery.

Middle Blocking

Middle blockers are the backbone of a blocking system. As the first line of defense, middles must master a diverse skillset. Blend explosive power with nimble footwork. Patrol from pin to pin. Dominate the front row.

Tower above the net with size and athleticism. Posture with knees bent, arms spread, ready to pounce. Establish an imposing presence through sheer physicality. Let foes know no free rides across the front row exist.

Survey the full court before each point. Absorb strategic options based on serve receive and opponent rotations. Anticipate where attacks may come from and holes to fill. Communicate plans and adjustments.

Explode off the back foot on first step. Burst laterally to cover ground. Arrive early to deny favored shots. Close seam gaps quickly. Race to help weaker blockers. Dominate airspace using length and leaping.

Penetrate the net with force. Reach higher than hitters. Extend displacement range by refusing to be moved backwards at contact. Create crisis by shrinking space.

Remain agile to contribute beyond primary responsibilities. Adjust fluidly from double blocks to emergency fills. Seize blocking as personal mission. Embrace the challenge as a privilege. Let competitiveness fuel effort.

Master swing blocking. Time lateral slides to arrive just as the set is delivered. Shift momentum in mid-air. Extend court coverage and disguise intentions.

Study tendencies of opposing hitters. Recognize patterns. Cheat on probabilities but stay disciplined against fakes. Block smart. Remove strengths. Guidance wins out over guessing.

Middles must cover more court than anyone else. Be fit enough to make repeated explosive moves. Stay focused to read and adjust quickly. Blocking excellence from the middle positions lifts an entire team. Control the front with passion and persistence.


The journey to masterful blocking never ends. Great blockers commit to continuous improvement through thoughtful practice and preparation. But the pursuit itself brings purpose and pride.

This guide lights the path with fundamental lessons, drills, and strategies. Now the challenge falls to each coach and player. Will you put in the work? Will you prioritize blocking as a vital skill? Will you demonstrate the discipline required for excellence?

Success awaits those who do. Blocking wins championships. Blocking changes games. Blocking breaks opponents’ will. Raise blocking to the place of importance it deserves at every practice.

Strive for more than just competent blocking. Seek to dominate. Prepare thoroughly. Execute technically. Contest every attack aggressively. Take pride in frustrating hitters. Value every point saved through blocking genius.

Remember, blocking is athletic, not just tall. Blocking is strategic, not just jumping. Blocking requires exquisite choreography between eye, brain and body. Master the footwork. Hone the handwork. Communicate clearly. Oil the machine through dedicated repetition.

This guide stacks the knowledge necessary for blocking brilliance. Now add the perseverance, sweat and grit required to transform potential into performance. Maximizing ability is a choice. Go all out. Put it all together. Do the work. Reach higher. And let great blocking lead the way to victory.